Terratech Raptor 200 Tree Shear


Terratech tree shears for excavators are rugged and productive, and the perfect tool for applications from road side maintenance to production harvesting.


  • Suited to 2-8 ton machine
  • 200MM Cut blade made from Hardox
  • Cuts soft and hardwood
  • Replaceable blade
  • Full Hardox body
  • Max 250 Bar
  • 2 Years warranty
  • Brackets included

Options available

  • Hydraulic Ram rotator, 90 Degree clockwise and 30 degree anticlockwise £1650
  • IMO 360 Worm Rotator that will rotate and old the tree £3815 (adds 105KG to weight)
  • Raptor 300 and 500 available on request.

Terratech Raptor 200 Tree Shear